
We Gather, Connect, Speak, Are Heard, Drum, Chant, Dance, Let Go, Are Free, We Are Wild Women…..

Untethered is a heartfelt monthly gathering lovingly created by Carli and Kayla. This sacred space is designed for women to unapologetically be themselves, offering a sanctuary where you can dive deep into your inner knowing and feelings. Here, you can shed the masks, roles, and societal constraints that often leave you yearning for freedom.

Our Untethered Mission

Our mission for Untethered is to offer a sacred women’s environment where you can untether and untangle yourself, integrating the remembrance of your true essence into your daily life. This gathering reconnects you with the wild woman within—the part of you that society may label as your "wild side" or "crazy side." Often hidden behind the roles we play as partners, mothers, friends, and professionals, she is the essence of your true self. Sometimes caught up in life's frustrations, this part of you longs for an escape.

As women, we heal by being heard, seen, and gathering together, just as our ancestors once did. This gathering offers true healing on all levels—mind, body, and spirit. Through the expression of voice, dance, body movement, ceremony and drumming, we connect our heart to its own drum and rhythm, embracing the essence of who we are. As we come together, we acknowledge our shared journey and assist each other in rising up, feeling the untethering together.

Each month will differ so you can expect the unexpected.

Discover Your Wild Woman Within

In the Unscripted sacred space of Untethered, we invite you to explore and embrace the wild woman within. This gathering is a space where you can express your true self without judgment or restraint. Through the use of speaking, listening, chanting, dance/ movement and drumming.

Our gatherings are more than just meetings; they are a return to the practices of our ancestors who found strength and healing in community. By sharing our stories and experiences, we create a powerful support network that nurtures and uplifts each participant.

The Power of Community and Connection

Untethered is a place where every woman is seen, heard, and valued. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose sight of our true selves amidst the demands of daily life. At Untethered, we strip away the layers of societal expectations to reveal the vibrant, authentic essence within each of us. This reconnection is not only deeply healing but also empowering.

We believe that through community and connection, we can heal old wounds and create new pathways for personal and collective growth. As we rebuild ourselves, we help each other rise, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Join Us

If you’re ready to reconnect with your true essence and join a community of like-minded women, we invite you to Untethered. Come as you are and experience the freedom of being unapologetically yourself in a supportive and nurturing environment.

At Untethered, we honor the journey of every woman and celebrate the wild, untamed spirit within us all. Together, we will rise, untether, and embrace the fullness of our being.

Register Now

We ask you to register here and secure your seat for the monthly event. Afterpay is available for ticket purchases, ensuring that you can join us without financial strain.

We look forward to welcoming you to Untethered, where we will create a sacred space for transformation, healing, and empowerment. Let’s embark on this journey together and celebrate the wild woman within each of us.

“This is a space to connect with the authentic, wild woman within—the part of you that society often labels as your "wild side" or "crazy side." Often hidden behind the masks and roles we play, she is the essence of your true self, yearning for expression.”

— Carli & Kayla