Fertility Massage & Balance

Our 90 minute Fertility Massage and Balance session has been specifically designed by Kayla & Carli to support reproductive, hormonal & emotional health in women trying to conceive.

These sessions will incorporate various massage techniques, visualisation, emotional and energy clearing, womb connection and awareness and menstrual cycle practices to promote balance, support organ function and reduce stress levels that can impact fertility.

In more Detail..

Relaxation and Stress Reduction:

Over the years of supporting women, we have recognised how stress impacts fertility by disrupting balance and function of the body. Our fertility massage aims to induce deep relaxation, which can help reduce stress levels and promote overall well-being. By calming the nervous system, massage encourages the body to shift from a state of stress to a state of relaxation, creating a more supportive environment for conception.

Emotional Support with Neuro Emotional Technique:

In our experience, we understand that fertility challenges take a toll on your well-being, causing a hurricane of emotions including fear, anxiety, grief, and even feelings of isolation. Our fertility massage and clearing focuses on providing a nurturing and supportive environment where women can relax, connect, and process their emotions surrounding fertility challenges, menstrual cycles, sexual experiences, previous miscarriage/s, terminations of pregnancy, birth and future parenthood.

Unresolved emotions can adversely effect organ health, hormonal balance and menstrual regularity.

Improved Circulation to Reproductive Organs:

We have incorporated massage techniques such as abdominal massage and pelvic mobilisation to increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, including the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Improved circulation can enhance the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to these organs, optimise their function, and support the development of healthy eggs and a thick uterine lining conducive to implantation.

Hormonal Balance:

Our fertility massage and balance also targets specific acupressure points and energy pathways associated with hormonal balance. By stimulating these points, massage therapists aim to regulate hormone levels, particularly those involved in the menstrual cycle and ovulation, such as estrogen, progesterone, and luteinizing hormone (LH). Achieving hormonal balance is crucial for optimal fertility and reproductive health.

Release of Tension and Blockages:

Our fertility massage techniques, including myofascial release and energy clearing, help release any tension held in the physical body. as a result of exposure to stress.

Myofascial release is a manual therapy technique that targets the fascia, a connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, organs, and other structures in the body. The fascia can become tight, restricted, or distorted due to physical or emotional stress, trauma, or poor posture, which may impact fertility by affecting blood flow, mobility, and organ function in the pelvic region.

Energy clearing techniques such as Reiki or chakra balancing may be incorporated to promote the flow of vital energy (also known as chi or prana) throughout the body, including the reproductive system. By clearing energetic blockages, releasing stagnant energy, and restoring balance to the energy field, these techniques aim to optimise the body's innate healing capacity and support fertility on a holistic level

We recommend you start with 4 weekly sessions, offered in our fertility package, to allow both Kayla & Carli to work with you during each phase of your menstrual cycle (even in the absence of menstruation) to help you to understand your body’s needs during each phase. This is important because each week your inclinations, energy levels and the messages from our body are different.