“ In our journey as wellness nurturers, our core values are the guiding lights that illuminate the path towards supporting others. Embracing these values is not just our mission, but our commitment to creating a world where everyone can thrive.”

— Kayla & Carli —

  • Holding compassion allows us to connect deeply with those we support.

    It creates unity, a non judgemental environment that allows women to feel equal & safe to be heard & seen.

    It's the understanding that no one is perfect - including ourselves .

  • Privacy not only ensures a safe space for healing, it is a foundation for trusting relationships and honours every woman as an individual on her journey.

    What you disclose in a session - stays in the session.

  • Free will empowers individuals to make choices that are supportive for them without the influence of other peoples opinions or beliefs.

    At the balance project we hold a space for you to choose what feels supportive for you- always.

  • What you see is what you get with us. Authenticity paves the way for genuine connections. When we are true with ourselves - it paves the way for other women to courageously do the same- to live untethered and free.

  • Self-care reminds us to deeply listen to our needs and nurture ourselves first, so we can nurture you.

    At the balance project we practices what we preach.